Fishing in the Desert by Rudolfo Serna

OpenBook by Sam French
November 8, 2016
The Tangerine Egg by Stephanie Jessop
November 22, 2016

Once we would have called this the not to distant future, but in light of recent events a story about a high-tech, heavily patrolled border wall and families trying to survive in its shadow seems terrifyingly real.  “Fishing in the Desert” was written by Rudolfo Serna for the anthology Revolution released at the beginning of this year.  Revisiting the story for the audio version in this post-election week has been very eye-opening, both for the horrible scenario and the inspiring journey of the characters within.   This is what speculative fiction is all about and falls heavily into Brick Moon’s thesis that we can “imagine the future.”  Engaging in this kind of thought addresses our fears, our hopes, and how we relate to each other on a human level.