The end is here! Well, the end of 2018 which was another brilliant year for fans of great speculative fiction. We here at Brick Moon are thrilled to be a part of this fantastic universe of fiction and we want to share with you our little slice of it. This year we took you to the dark nether-regions of social media. We built monsters, dragged you through a Hellscape, hung out with witches, wizards, and even Einstein. Hell, we stole a moon and a sun. (Talk about setting the bar high for next year.)
So it is with great pleasure we present The Brick Moon Fiction Annual Volume 4! These are some of our favorites that came out this year. They include stories you might have read/heard, but many that were previously unreleased! It’s available now in Kindle and very soon in paperback!
THE BRICK MOON FICTION ANNUAL VOLUME 5 WOW. Our fifth annual! Hard to believe we've been delivering these amazing stories for five years, but here we […]
THE BEST OF RUDOLFO SERNA Brick Moon Fiction and Mutantroot Art Collective are proud to bring you this collection of short stories and original artwork. Originally […]
This new Brick Moon story actually was one of the first Brick Moon stories. From our anthology called The Inheritance, this story from Brandon Easton follows […]